The purpose of producing arts and designs is to create something that clients can appreciate primarily for its beauty or emotional impact. But most people assume that they are the same. This is, of course, an incorrect assertion. But then, what is really the difference between the two? Join us as we help you deepen your understanding of the blurry line between art and design.

Art is created to incite the thoughts and emotions of the clients, to be appreciated. Art does not exist to fulfill any set specific goal. Art leaves the consumer eye in contemplating its meaning and the way clients wish to perceive it.

Design, on the other hand, has no room for awe or contemplation. A design has a set goal. Design exists to fill a purpose.

A big difference between art and design is the way in which they are interpreted. Art is open-ended when it comes to interpretation or feedback. It provokes different thoughts and feelings, leaving the clients about what thoughts and feelings they want to take away from that art.

Design cannot afford to be vague. A design needs to convey to the user exactly what it intended to convey. The message needs to be crystal clear and the same message needs to be understood by different people which will be your expected customers. Design demands consistency which is absent in the field of arts.

What Is Brand Identity?

A strong, unique brand is an essential part of building a good relationship and trust with your customers. If they feel that you both share the same values, they will be attracted to your brand and will likely feel comfortable choosing you over your other competitors. Remember that a strong brand identity leads to an increase in one’s company recognition and brand reputation which will help improve your company’s word-of-mouth recommendations. 

To broaden your knowledge about brand identity let’s define it first.

Brand Identity is simply the face of a brand. And a brand is an emotional and even philosophical idea or concept, on the other hand, brand identity is the visual component of a brand that represents the larger and broader ideas. Brand identity is the visible elements of a brand, such as color, design, and logo, which identify and distinguish the brand in clients’ minds.

Brand identity includes logos, packaging, colors, typography, and it reinforces and complements the existing reputation and image of a brand. Brand identity attracts new customers to a brand while making existing customers comfortable. Because it represents and reinforces the message of the brand identity components that need to be clear as well as the emotions and enthusiasm of a brand.

Our Design Ninjas have unique and creative concepts in their minds and their outputs will always be based on the specific design requirements or requests of our client. The strategic use of fonts, colors, and other visual elements is always there in the logo. We assure everyone that every design we make is a scalable, versatile, and memorable design.


Logo design is essential for managing a business in a competitive market. The whole idea of a logo is to communicate with the customer and create something that is memorable. When our Design Ninjas create and design a logo they really make sure that it is creative, amazing, and most important is it suits the expectations of our client.

Here are 4 Ninja ways or tips to design and achieve a great logo that will stand the test of time:

1)   Make It a Memorable Design

An effective logo should be memorable. Keep it simple and appropriate to the nature of the business. 

2)   Keep the Design Simple

One of the basic requirements and qualities of a great logo design is that it has to be made on a simple concept. In general, less is more and simplicity is more impactful.

3)   It Should Be A Timeless Design

Would you like to create a new logo every year? Frequent changes in your original logo design are also not advisable for many reasons. If you redesign a logo so often, you are leaving your customers confused and directionless. But make sure that your overall approach is modern including specific elements such as colors, fonts, typefaces, and other visual elements.

4)   Your Design Should be Appropriate

A professional logo should be fit for purpose. The logo should be appropriate for the expected and intended customers.